AI AI: State of Play 2024 2024's AI landscape saw intense competition displace GPT-4's early lead, while multi-modal capabilities and platform integration expanded. Despite advanced features, widespread adoption remains limited. Breakthrough applications await as hardware costs fall and integration deepens.
Decision Making Featured Making Good Decisions Our life is defined by the outcomes of the decisions that we make. To achieve our personal and professional goals, we need to make the best possible decisions. This article discusses how you can set yourself up for successful decision-making.
Quick Reads Boring is Good There is a lot to be said for being boring. During these unusual times, when so much has changed, dependable partners have never been more important. A strong partner allows you to delegate some of your responsibilities to allow you to focus elsewhere. This is just as true for business
Featured Behavioural Biometrics Discusses the challenges faced by European Issuers in their goal to deliver a compelling customer experience while also satisfying the overlapping requirements of the EBA, their local regulators and the card scheme guidance.
Technology Going ‘All In’ with Broadcom As some of you will have noticed, after a few months doing something else, I have returned to the Payment Security team at Broadcom. It is wonderful to be back and it doesn't really feel like I ever left. During my time out, I discovered that it'
Open Banking Thriving in the Open Banking Ecosystem At the recent Open Banking Excellence event, I heard that the average bank offers around 300 products across their customer base. In a crowded market, it’s hard for a bank to differentiate themselves and offer a single market-leading product and so it’s virtually impossible for a bank to
Open Banking Learning to ❤️ My PIN Many European banks are grappling with how to comply with the requirements of the Regulatory Technical Standards for Strong Consumer Authentication (RTS-SCA). Published by the European Banking Authority (EBA) in March 2018, and coming into force in September 2019, this regulation mandates a fundamental shift from traditional authentication techniques (e.
Open Banking The Future of Financial Advice A couple of recent announcements have prompted me to think about future of personal finance and wealth management. On 10 Feb, the Financial Times reported that Lloyds are planning to expand their wealth management division with a goal of almost doubling their Assets Under Management over the next three years.